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The UK and EU have ratified the Withdrawal Agreement. This allows the UK to depart the EU on 31 January 2020 and for the transition period (1 February 2020 to 31 December 2020) to begin.

During this time, EU law will continue to operate as it does now in the UK. The Intellectual Property (IP) system will continue as it is until 31 December 2020.


There will be no disruption to IPO services or changes to the UK IP system during this transition period. The IPO will convert almost 1.4 million EU trade marks and 700,000 EU designs to comparable UK rights at the end of the transition period. These will come into effect on 1 January 2021.







From the 1 January 2021, EUTMs will no longer protect trade marks in the UK. Under the Withdrawal Agreement Act, on the 1 January 2021, the IPO will create a comparable UK trade mark for all right holders with an existing EU trade mark.

Existing EUTMs will still protect trade marks in EU member states. UK businesses can still to apply the EU Intellectual Property Office for an EUTM.

There will be no changes to UK-registered trade marks as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

If you have a pending EUTM application, you’ll be able to apply to register a comparable UK trade mark in the 9 months after 1 January 2021. You’ll keep the earlier filing date of the pending EUTM.

1. 2021年11日,欧盟商标不再保护英国是商标。根据脱欧协议,202111日,IPO将现有的已注册成功的欧盟商标转换为对应的英国商标。

2. 对于仍为申请中的欧盟商标,在2021年11日起的9个月内,申请人可以向IPO申请转化为对应的英国商标申请时间将与欧盟商标的申请时间保持一致。

Receiving a comparable UK trade mark

On 1 January 2021, IPO will create a comparable UK trademark for every registered EU trade mark (EUTM)

Each of these UK rights will:

· be recorded on the UK trade mark register 

· have the same legal status as if you had applied for and registered it under UK law

· keep the original EUTM filing date

· keep the original priority or UK seniority dates

· be a fully independent UK trade mark that can be challenged, assigned, licensed or renewed separately from the original EUTM

You will not:

· need to pay for your equivalent or comparable UK trade mark – and there will be as little administration involved as possible

· receive a UK registration certificate, but you will be able to access details about the trade mark on GOV.UK




1. 登记在英国知识产权体系内

2. 与依照英国法律直接注册的商标享有同等的法律效力;

3. 与欧盟商标保持一致的申请时间

4. 将与原来的欧盟商标分离成为独立英国商标,允许续展、转让、异议等。


1. 支付欧盟商标转为英国商标所需要的费用

2. 收到新的注册证书,但是可以在IPO官网查到商标的详细信息

Registering a pending EUTM application as a UK trade mark

We will only create a comparable UK trade mark for EUTMs registered before 1 January 2021.

If you have an EUTM application that’s still pending on 1 January 2021, you’ll be able to:

· apply to register a comparable UK trade mark in the 9 months after 1 January 2021

· retain the earlier filing date of the pending EUTM 

· claim any valid international priority you had on the pending EU application, along with any UK seniority claims recorded against it

If you apply to register for a comparable UK trade mark, the application must:

· relate to the same trade mark that was the subject of the EUTM application

· seek protection in respect of goods and services that are identical to, or contained within, the corresponding EU application

If the details of your application do not match those of the corresponding EUTM application, you will not be able to claim the earlier EU filing or priority dates.

You must submit your application within 9 months of 1 January 2021. We will then:

· treat the pending EUTM application as a UK application

· examine it under UK law

The usual UK fees of £170 will apply, including one class of goods or services, and an extra £50 for each additional class.

You can fill in the paper forms if you want to apply by post. This costs £200 for one class plus £50 for each additional class.


1. 与欧盟申请商标(商标名字/图样等)保持一致

2. 保护的产品/服务需与欧盟申请所保护的一致或者不超过其范围

3. 权利人必须在20221年11日起9个月内提交申请


a. 视欧盟转换为英国的商标为英国申请

b. 依照英国法律对其进行审查

c. 申请人需要支付转换申请费用

You may be intending to file a UK trade mark application that does not correspond to a pending EUTM application in the 9 months after 1 January 2021. If so, you should note that someone could file a UK application after yours and claim the earlier date of a corresponding EUTM application that was pending on 1 January 2021. Where this happens, the later-filed UK application will take precedence.



Pending cancellation actions

On 1 January 2021, there will be registered cases which are going through cancellation actions. We will create comparable rights from these EUTMs. However, as per the Withdrawal Agreement Act, we will honour the result of a cancellation action on the comparable right.

The cancellation will only have effect if the grounds are applicable in the UK.

This means that you will not need to launch a separate cancellation action on the comparable right after 1 January 2021. 




1. 2020年21-20201231日(过渡期),欧盟商标依旧保护英国

2. 在2021年11日前注册成功的商标,IPO将自动转为英国商标,无须支付费用;

3. 在2021年11日前仍处于申请中的商标,申请人可以向IPO提交转换为英国商标的申请(要在202111日起9个月内提交申请),需要支付额外的费用;

4. 权利人也可以申请放弃相应的权利,已经注册的欧盟商标可以在2021年11起向IPO提交放弃申请转换;还在申请中的欧盟商标可以不做任何操作,等待过渡期结束9个月后,视为选择放弃。




以上是英国脱欧后,和各位商标权利人息息相关的问题,有关欧盟专利及更多欧盟商标与英国商标的问题可以咨询各自知识产权的代理人或者咨询多芈。(来源: 多芈知识产权



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