


电邮的后半段,亚马逊表示如果卖家可以提出完善解决抱怨原因的办法,就有可能恢复卖家的销售权。限时 17 天内要提解决办法,如果没有提交亚马逊将移除店铺 Listing 并且持续冻结账户资金。最后告知几个你可能违反的亚马逊条款,针对这些条款提出解决办法。



Appeal Letter to Amazon Seller Performance Team


Dear Amazon.com Seller Performance Team,


We recognize and understand the mistakes we made to bring us to this point.

These are our mistakes

1. Listing products that do not match the detail page 100%.

2. Failure to include appropriate quantities for product we listed against, as described on the detail page.

3. Failure fulfill products that match the detail page’s specification including but not limited to height, length, width, weight, color, material, brand, unique product identifier, functionality and authenticity of the product.

4. Improperly identify products we created listings for. Example: We didn’t provide full explanation that our products are the material we actually stated them; sometimes lacking any claim to material integrity at all.

5. Failure to comply with Amazon.com image and description compliance. Example: Our main images do not have white backgrounds with only the product in the image. Our descriptions were not full enough to provide the customer with full information to make a confident purchase on Amazon.com. This results in unsatisfied customer upon receipt of the item.


Steps we have taken and will continue to take:

1. We have removed all listings that are not within Amazon.com policy. We will not relist until a full analysis of all ASINs. Only when the product matches the ASIN 100% will we then list the product for sale. There will be a two person review of appropriate item being packaged for delivery in an Excel type checklists that the fulfillment team can log, record, and track. If the product does not match the product detail page 100% we will delete product from our account.

2. We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness. This has ensured all products are ‘new’ as described on the detail page.

3. We have re-written the description and bullet points to improve accuracy of the item’s presentation to Amazon.com standards.

4. We have re-written all weights, dimensions and quantity per order.

5. We have re-photographed all items that are not displaying the product accurate enough.

Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.



电邮发出后,很快就收到就收到亚马逊自动回复的电邮,表示将在 24 小时内联系卖家。


While we waited for a reply we started doing exactly what we stated in our appeal.

1. We removed inventory from listings we received prior performance notifications over to check the quality and ensure it matched what was described on the listing.

2. We started changing out main pictures that did not have a pure white background.

3. We updated and changed product information and went into as much detail as possible about the product.

4. We contacted customers who left negative feedback and attempted to improve the feedback submitted by those customers.

虽然自动回复的信件表示 24 小时内会联系卖家,但这位卖家迟迟没有收到回信,等了十天之后决定发第二封短短的电邮,著名发信时间,询问是否能告知最新处理进度。

Our account was suspended 7/29/16. We sent in our appeal letter on 8/4/16. We have not received a response from seller performance team. Can you please give us a update of our appeal?

Thank you for your time.






于是卖家又在发了一次和一开始完全一样的申诉电邮,另外附上前一天审核通过的电邮内容(附在最下方的 Additional information 区块里)。


亚马逊的处理效率就不多说了,竟然品质如此低落。同一封申诉电邮不同人审核,竟然有完全相反的结果,没有个标准在。已经审核过的 Case 也没有关掉,竟然还浪费人力处理同一件事。


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