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你只有几秒钟的时间来抓住别人的注意力,而你的开场白往往可以导致你的邮件被阅读和被删除。有多少次你点开一封邮件,看到的是“I hope you’re doing well” “FYI…” 或者 “Read below”?

如果你更有个性或者更有独创性,你的联系人会因此而感激你。为了帮助获得灵感,这里有40个比 “Happy Monday”更有效的邮件开场白。

01 当你需要正式的时候

  1. I wanted to introduce myself.

  2. [Mutual contact] recommended I get in touch with you.

  3. Good morning. (or afternoon, evening)

  4. I trust this email finds you well.

  5. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

  6. I hope you’re having a terrific day. (or a great week)

  7. It’s wonderful to hear from you.

  8. I’m reaching out about…

  9. Thank you for your help.

  10. Thank you for the update.

  11. Thanks for getting in touch.

02 当你要跟进对方的时候

  1. I’m checking in on…

  2. I’m getting back to you about…

  3. As promised…

  4. As we discussed on our call…

  5. Can you provide me with an update on…

  6. To follow up on our meeting, …

03 当你想展示善意的时候

  1. Hope you are doing well…

  2. Congratulations on…

  3. How did your [recent project] turn out?

  4. Did you enjoy your [event or vacation]?

  5. I loved your recent [photo/article/social media post].

  6. I was just laughing the other day about [inside joke].

  7. I was just thinking about you and [shared memory].

  8. It was fantastic to see you at [event].

  9. This [article/video/GIF] made me think of you.

04 当你表现幽默和随意的时候

  1. Happy “Not Monday.”

  2. Hello from the other side.

  3. Good news—there’s only [number] more days until Friday.

  4. Hope you’re surviving another work week.

  5. I hope you’ve had your coffee already.

  6. It’s me again.

  7. My apologies if this message sabotaged your “inbox zero.”

  8. Just what you wanted—another email!

05 你应避免不去使用的开场白

  1. I haven’t heard back from you…

  2. It looks like my last two emails must have missed you.

  3. Checking to see if you received my last email.

  4. Do you have 15 minutes to discuss…

  5. Having reached out to you a few times over the past 2 weeks…

  6. As per my last email…

(来源:红板砖开发信) 以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表雨果跨境立场!本文经原作者授权转载,转载需经原作者授权同意。



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