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小名片大门道 这些采购头衔的英文名你都掌握了吗?


小名片大门道 这些采购头衔的英文名你都掌握了吗?


I was confused myself when I first enter this field of professional—there are different job title descripting the same piece of work.

The same question was not even able to be answered when I questioned this to the HR manager during one of the interviews.

The same phenomenon does not seem to appear in another field (except that people usually confused account manager with accounting manager, which is actually a very different job!).

Seem like an unfair game that the one placing PO has the right to enjoy more titles.


同样的现象在其他工种上似乎并没有出现 (除了人们通常混淆的客户经理account manager和会计经理 accounting manager,这实际上是非常不同的工作!)。

Not true. As a matter of fact, there are sub-groups classifying the buying professionals, all depends on their function. Let’s go through it one by one.



The most common title in the buying camp, especially from US corporate, is sourcing.

Most of the time sourcing do front line jobs like identifying new suppliers, maintain existing supplier relationship.

In smaller businesses, they are also project managers when developing new products with suppliers (not meaning that they all obtain the right skill..).

However, unless real small business, I seldom see them follow up a regular purchase order and delivery.


在购买领域最常见的名称,尤其是来自美国的公司。大部分的时间里sourcing做的是前线工作,比如寻找及确认新供应商,维护现有供应商关系。在较小的公司里他们有时也是产品閞发项目经理(这并不代表他们懂. 须知PROJECT MANAGER的工作可大可小)。然而,我很少会看到他们跟进采购订单和交付,除非是在“蚊形”公司才有这种可能。

ProcurementI laughed when I look into the dictionary for this word (and you can try). It is a light joke for this serious career.Nevertheless, logic is the same. Procurement focuses on searching and screen new sources, and should only be that.I got a feeling that this title is more common in European business than American.

采购( Procurement):




Similar to Sourcing, this is a common title.  That is also very much used in HK business (and that why it is the first impression for myself when I think of this kind of job!)  However, purchasing means more on the actual buying activity instead of just looking finding.


Commodity manager

People carrying this title are very likely from bigger companies. The commodity manager usually focuses on a process material or two.A funny story I heard was that the decision from a commodity manager in McDonald's who manages the ketchup category could affect the global commodity price of tomatoes.That might be an extreme case. However in one of my last company which is a major brass door lock manufacturer,the commodity manager needs to follow the global brass market price closely in order to predict and recommend our cost forecast modeling.In some smaller (still big!) businesses, their commodity manager could be the one managing the supply source of one specific product business line. The definition could be different, but the idea. 

商品经理(Commodity Manager):这个头衔的人很像是来自大公司的。商品经理通常专注于一个或两个过程物料。我听过一个有趣的故事:一个在麦当劳管理西红柿酱种类的商品经理可能影响全球西红柿的价格。这可能有点夸张。然而在我的老东家中有一家主要生产黄铜门锁的公司,商品经理需要密切关注全球黄铜的市场价格,为了做预测和建立成本预测模型。在一些较小的(仍然很大!)公司里,商品经理很可能是只管理特定的产品业务供应。这里的定义可能不同,但是思想是相似的。


Your favorite customer. The buyer is the one who actually places an order to you. Junior buyers focus on documentation, while senior buyers could do a lot more than that.In some business, the buyer decides the ratio of purchase between a pre-definite 1st and 2nd source – which make buyer an important role for suppliers.Even the sourcing manager approves you as a valid supplier, you could receive no or very little order if the buyer does not convince. They have the inventory responsibility in higher company.

买家(Buyer):你的最爱, 给你下订单的人。初级买家关注文件,而资深买家可以做的远不止这些。在一些公司里,买家决定着供货商之间的订单比率——所以供货商应该多多重视!!即使采购经理批准你成为他的供应商, 入了AVL ,BUYER仍有权不给你多发订单。我就亲身经历过:我们在中国找的供货商, 美国的buyer只给了一点点单然后不用,找了白找。


Some industries like fashion and gift mostly use the term “merchandiser”.Merchandiser requires a combination of skills to make the higher job. They look upmarket trends and make decisions on what is good to put in their basket.In most cases, they also face their customer directly and recommend what they believe good. Experiencemerchandiser is a strong asset to their company.Some businesses rely on their merchandising skill and sense to make their living.


In general, how the title named varies from business size, nature, industry and culture of the country. 

        I don’t think there is any strict rule. Knowing the story of the title does not promise you in understanding of your customer’s role.        Instead, it offers you a good starting topic on the dinner table to know more about your customer.    

总结,一般来说,这些名称的差异从业务规模、性质、行业和国家文化这些方面来说各有不同。    我不认为这里有任何严格的规则。知道这个名称的来历并不能保证你可以理解你的客户。    它只是提供了一个话题和机会,让你在餐桌上更多地了解你的客户。 




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